Payer registration

Each domain registered by the Domain Master application has to belong to the account of a specific payer — they settle the registration, prolongation and transfer payments. The registration is usually the first step our customers take.

In the following few steps you will register as a payer too.

Basic data

This field is compulsory for a legal person.

We will send payment notices, invoices and results of various processes and other to your e-mail address.

Enter valid phone number in +420.605123456 form

Enter valid phone number in +420.605123456 form

This field is compulsory for a legal person.

Example: 123456

Tax Identification Number can be written in 3 forms: in the old form, composed of numbers only (e.g. 789-123456), the new form, composed of numbers and capital letters (e.g. CZ98765432), or as a set of 6-10 numbers (e.g. 123456).

Example: CZ98765432

By clicking continue, I confirm that I have read and understood the INTERNET CZ, a.s. Privacy Policy
I confirm I am at least 16 years old.
If you wish to become our partner, read the following documents and click on the "I want to become a partner" check box.
Partnership contract
Appendix No. 1 to the partnership agreement
Conditions for using the MasterAPI automated interface